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For Eternity

For Eternity


I attended a Catholic convent school, and my mother always told me Bible stories to teach me life lessons. The most meaningful and touching one for me was when she told me that for a parent to sacrifice and shed the blood of their only child for the greater good of salvation for mankind, no other act of love can ever surpass this. This is the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, when His suffering washed away Man’s sins to be redeemed for salvation to eternal life in heaven, where love prevails in paradise forever. In Christ’s death, this shows that the unconditional love of God is the greatest and the fulfilment of faith and hope. Although this period of sacrifice and suffering is surrounded by darkness, a light of hope will come when Jesus resurrects from the dead. 


In my artwork’s main focal point, I painted Jesus’ hand, hammered into the plank of the cross, wounds apparent and blood streaming down. The surrounding gloomy sky portrays the heartbreak, solemnity and pain God must have felt as Jesus bowed His head and died on the cross. The solar eclipse in the background holds significance that symbolises a time of darkness, spiritual rebirth and renewal. In the Bible, an eclipse is a prophetic statement about signs preceding the judgement day to come. The stream of light clouds behind the cross symbolises Jesus’ resurrection, paving the way to eternal happiness for man in heaven. The white doves, a sign of purity, also represent new beginnings, new possibilities and the presence of God’s love. The dove is a messenger of peace and a symbol of compassion and unity, a heavenly display of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus. 


In summary, Christ stands as the supreme example of love through the whole of His life, but specially in His death. Love is longevity, eternal in heaven.

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    Artist: Lauren Chin Hui Yi

    Medium: Oil Paint

    Size: 60 x 50 cm

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